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Author Topic: 9 y/o trans actvist on the cover of Nat'l Geo  (Read 3613 times)

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Offline Betty

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9 y/o trans actvist on the cover of Nat'l Geo
« on: December 24, 2016, 06:29:50 AM »
Brave 9 year old transgender (M to F) activist just made it to the cover of National Geographic for their January 2017 issue. Unfortunately with the fame, her family has suddenly been the victim of bullying & even death threats.

With my decades of experience with trans, fem gay or straights, TVs, crossdressers, drag queens, impersonators, & my own struggles, I believe this kid might be just a crossdresser & fem sissy boy, not a true sex change candidate. He is not someone who should go through a change. This is just a boy who hates macho boy stuff, & likes girls stuff. She/he needs our support but not to send in him in the wrong direction.

He's very Tomboyish, has a treehouse, & still has a lot of boyish habits. This is just a non-macho boy, just like many of us sissies. The little guy reminds me of myself at that age, but that kind of thing wasn't allowed or accepted anywhere in those days.

He may like more dolls a little more than toy trucks, but he still has most of the mannerisms & traits of a boy-- just a sissy boy.

We all wished we could have escaped being bullied for being a sissy boy. Sometimes, saying you're a girl inside if told so by others, or if excepted more by some around you, it provides some escape from being teased as a sissy.

But not all sissies are really a girl trapped inside a boy's body. They're usually just less macho, or more delicate boys who happen to like pretty things. Some are just "mommy's boys" where they took after mom more than dad. It doesn't mean they need hormone therapy or a sex change. Some kids do need it, but I don't think this is the case with Avery. To me he seems to be every bit a 9 y/o boy inside, just not a jock. Avery is a little feminized, but still a boy.

If we gave hormone therapy & sex changes to all the males who weren't jocks, & liked pretty things when they were kids, we'd hardly have any male artists left in the world.

Now fame & fortune as taken over the situation, steering the kid, with the help of his family in the wrong direction. Yeah, they want you to donate, so they could buy their third house? Give me a break. We get more followers here at Betty's, yet I have a hard time raising much more than enough for rice, beans, & ramen to eat, & couldn't afford medical care in a decade.

Help! I'm a girl trapped in a boy's body. Buy me 3 expensive houses in a nice neighborhood so I can paint them rainbow colors for gender awareness.

Anywho, here's the news articles.



Most of the video & news clips of Avery are very brief at under a minute long to just a few minutes long. I assembled them, cleaned up & sharpened some, into a single HD video. The full HD version is in the Television section of our private viewing pages for members where you view the movies & TV shows we run. If you are not a member you will not see the section.


For you non-members who still refuse to join, or still haven't figured out how to join forums like these (you join the same way you join any standard forum for over 20 years), or are using weird & restrictive devices that simply don't easily let you, here's a shrunk, higly compressed version of the video (VHS quality).

10mb, 10 minutes.

Now that the articles made big news, I'm sure the media will start running a lot more of Avery.

Offline Robyn Jodie

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Re: 9 y/o trans actvist on the cover of Nat'l Geo
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2016, 03:23:16 PM »
Wise words.  I especially love your conclusion :-)

Offline Betty

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Re: 9 y/o trans actvist on the cover of Nat'l Geo
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2016, 07:04:29 PM »
LOL. I'm living in the smallest cheapest apartment I could find in a bad neighborhood. And out of the 19 apartments in this converted mansion, I'm paying 20-25% less than anybody else here because I behave myself, & been here a few years now. Please send me $400,000 so I can buy my building & paint it rainbow colors for transgender awareness.

The kitties & I had rice & chicken for Christmas dinner, & the leftovers today. I had set aside & froze some chicken on sale months ago just for a Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner. Never did make enough to recover all my December rent money I used to pay servers. I ended up having to use credit to make up the difference. So once again, my credit is all maxed out, & I have no credit left.

I posted 4 more videos about Transgender Kids & Teens. They're in the TV section of our member's private viewing area where we run our free movies.

1. Transgender Kids
A video put out by the LBGT community. Unlike the Avery videos, these kids really do seem to be girls inside, so could probably benefit from transgender therapy & treatment -- when they get older. They are still way too young to know & understand all the differences between the sexes or the consequences of altering their development in a way that could help or ruin the rest of their lives. They still have plenty of years to research & understand what they're dealing with & what to do about it. When so young, even a year or 2 seems like forever. But still, I don't see any reason to rush into life altering decisions, even if they are encouraged to by other adults. Everybody is different. There is no magic pill for every boy who may be a little fem, don't like being macho, or likes pretty things. Being a sissy boy, pretty boy, feminine, a crossdresser or perhaps gay does not necessarily mean you are really a girl inside, so transgender therapies & treatment may not help, & may actually make things much worse.

79mb, 30 minutes

2. Transgender Summer Camp
You may have seen this UK special before. If you didn't see it when it was first broadcasted new in the UK, you probably saw a blurrier shortened YouTube or internet version of it, or the cut up version edited for USA TV. This is the UK version. I tried to sharpen & clean it up a little so the quality is more like HD rather than VCD or VHS quality.

122mb, 46 minutes

3. Transgender Childhood
This special focuses mostly on Transgender M-F Josie. She also seems to really be a real girl inside. However now that she has grown older, she is having second thoughts about following through with a full change. Only she can know or understand what she's feeling deep inside, given enough time for her to deal with it.

37mb, 23 minutes.

4. Transgender shorts
This is a few short clips of Transgender kids that I assembled into a single larger video. About halfway through the video we see a very young toddler just barely out of diapers, & off the baby bottle. She/he is way too young to know anything about the differences between a boy or girl, or be pressured to discuss any gender issues. At that age, even boys that will grow up to be very macho men, are not macho at all. A child that young will always be a small sweet delicate toddler no matter what sex they were born with. Their gender, either way should not be encouraged or discouraged at that age. They're still just babies - hardly male or female yet. After that, I finish the segment with a video of trans & regular kids discussing gender issues.

36mb, 21 minutes


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