Yep. I've seen about a thousand of these sort of videos in just the past year. On the Facebook page under my real name, I repost an average of about 2 cute cat or kitten videos or pictures that I've stumbled across per day. I must have more than a thousand pictures of my current pair of cats, & my last pair of cats.
My sister has hundreds of pictures of her dog on FB, dozens of videos of the dog there, & probably another couple hundred of her cats.
I was raised in a house that always had pets. So to me they would be like members of the family. Got my first dog when I was 5. He lived until I was 22. So he was at my side since I was a small child to well into my adulthood.
To me, a home without a pet following me around or poking about is dead & empty. They're better entertainment value than TV. If you're single, they're sort of like our kids.
There's been a few places I lived where they don't allow pets. But most of those places would allow birds, & fish tanks. So I've always had pets.
During my last move, I had a hard time finding a place that was nice enough, affordable, that would allow my cats. Some of my friends & coworkers said just get rid of the cats then. I couldn't imagine abandoning a couple of animals that had been affectionately at my side for so many years. To me it would be like giving up a brother, sister, baby, or best friend.
I just put up some new pictures of them here & on my personal FB page taken from the time of their birthday, adoption anniversary in spring, to about last week.
At 7 years old now, they're not kittens anymore. But with the intelligence & reasoning of about a 3 year old, they're still my babies to me. have some more to go through & put up some day.