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Author Topic: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.  (Read 6562 times)

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Offline Betty

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Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« on: December 24, 2018, 09:16:48 PM »
Just a few hours before Christmas in my time zone.

God bless everyone. Merry Christmas, & have a good new year!

Good cheers for Hanukkah for all our dear Jewish friends too (even though it ended on Dec 10th)

Say a prayer of good & happy things for the whole world.

Due to recent illness with ups & downs over the past few weeks, I would have liked to stall the holiday another week or so, but it is upon us nonetheless.

Breathing well. I will not die tonight & probably not before the new year. You're probably stuck with me at least another month, or if I'm quick, smart, & lucky enough, maybe for another whole year.

Thank you dearly for your support & good company.

Golly, I discovered I still have the Christmas wine & schnapps I haven't opened yet.

If I open them, & post anything erratic, unusual, or nonsense, beyond what I usually do, I'll probably just delete it tomorrow. Maybe I can pull a trump thingy & just deny it happened, or say you just miss-read or miss-interpreted it.

Easy for me, I'm not in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet.

Peace, love, happiness, & prayers to all! I love you!

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2018, 09:57:53 PM »
The same to you Betty and to everyone on the board. Take care of yourself, we all want you around for a long time.

Best regards,

Andy G.

Offline samantha1

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2018, 07:16:25 PM »
Hi Betty,please look after your self as you will be deeply missed if you  don't look after your self.Wishing you Betty and the other crowd a Happy New Year. Unfortunately I am typing this with a badly infected tooth,which I  should  have done thing about before it got this bad.I have not written anything for some time because i was suffering from sciatica for 12 weeks and walking anywhere was given me pains,so I   spent a few hundred pounds to see a private physio and i am nearly on the mend.Every thing that can happen always seems to happen as you get older

Offline Betty

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2018, 05:52:53 AM »
Wow. Take care of yourself.

A mouthwash thoroughly swished around the mouth & over the tooth of 80 proof vodka will temporarily kill the pain... but it will sting like hell while you do it. You don't have to swallow it. But it can help even more with the pain by swallowing it, as long as it won't conflict with your other meds. Check with your doctor if wine or moderate alcohol is safe with your meds or treatment before swallowing it.

Repeated rises with vodka every time the pain returns will also kill the germs & infection, & eventually deaden the sensitive nerves.

Swallowing MODERATE amounts of wine, beer, or hard liquor may be good for you as long as it doesn't conflict with your meds. Too much will have a reverse effect & may cause serious problems. So don't go crazy with it or it can make you very sick, & may kill you.

Generally no more than 8 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor per day is considered safe to swallow, & may even be beneficial. That's about the same as about 2 bottles of beer a day. It is safe to swish any amount of vodka you want in your mouth for a toothache as you need it as long as you don't swallow it.

Simple aspirin, or Ibuprofen help a little too.

DO NOT use Acetaminophen-based products like Tylenol ever! It works the liver too hard, & can damage it -- especially in older patients. With trace amounts of alcohol or other meds in your blood, Acetaminophen could kill your liver & be fatal!

Doctors & hospitals use Acetaminophen (Tylenol) because it's not anti-clotting so reduces bleeding risks during or after operations. Aspirin & Ibuprofen are anti-clotting agents, so are not good for if you're going through an operation, or just had an operation where bleeding may be a factor. But there are other pain relievers they can use instead of Acetaminophen -- even pot.

Acetaminophen should be taken off the market & banned. It's nasty & very dangerous stuff, & just not a very good pain reliever.

Cloves or clove based toothache medicine also helps. There are many brands. Since I never had dental insurance, I used a medicine called Oral Gel that worked well.

But nothing ever worked better for my toothaches, that regular, thorough mouthwashes with vodka. Used properly & regularly it will kill the infection, & deaden the nerves permanently. Once you see the swelling go down you know you got it beat. If it's a rear tooth that nobody will notice, after you stopped the infection, & deadened the nerves, you can just let the tooth naturally fall out after a few weeks.

That's how we did it 100 years ago, & it worked. But they may have used other hard liquor like whiskey or rum. Vodka is best because there's not anything in it that will leave a residue for infection to feed on. It's basically just water & alcohol.

Many cheap vodkas are fine, but beware some cheap vodka is poorly distilled & refined. Alcohol distillation creates both very toxic & non-toxic alcohol. Many cheap vodkas have too much toxic alcohol in them. If you get a headache an hour or 2 after consuming it, or the next day, it's a good bet it wasn't properly distilled & refined.

The cheapest well refined vodka I know about is Rikaloff. It's about $13-$16 for a 1.5 liter bottle of the stuff.

It's also a safe non-toxic, fumeless disinfectant, that leaves no residue. That's plus for me with COPD.

I keep a small bottle filled with it as my mouthwash in the bathroom, & in a small spray bottle as disinfectant. With COPD & my condition, lung or mouth infections, or pretty much any infection can be extremely serious or may be fatal to me.

Offline samantha1

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2018, 01:29:23 PM »
Hi Betty,and thanks for these ideas re-gardening,how too get rid of tooth problems.Vodka might work ,however I  hate vodka so much that having a painful tooth would be better than trying vodka .aNY WAY  I  hope every one will have a HAPPY NEW YEAR .Enjoy yourself ,but too much drink is a no go

Offline Betty

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2019, 05:28:46 PM »
I don't like the taste of most medicine, treatments, or vodka either, but I'll use what works. If I refused everything I don't like or don't like the taste of, I would have been dead years ago.

Besides, after swishing it in your mouth several times a day & spitting it out to stop intense pain, you get used to it pretty fast.

Just remember if you do swallow it to help with the pain more, that only a moderate amount of alcohol per day may be good for you, but a lot is definitely very bad for you... especially older people. So be careful, only a little bit is OK to consume.

In the old days, a mouthwash of whiskey, rum, scotch, bourbon, tequila, or other hard liquor worked just as good vodka for a tootache.

The trick is it has to be at least 80 proof to kill infection & deaden nerves, while having as little sugar & starch content in it as possible so it doesn't leave anything for the germs & tooth decay to feed on, & grow some more after the alcohol evaporates.

Cloves or a clove or clove oil based dental gel found in your drugstore also helps.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2019, 10:20:03 PM »
Yes Betty, I use OraGel to fight the pain as I don't really have alcohol in the house anymore due to all the Meds I take but I did have a small Gin & Tonic on New Years Eve for old time sake. I remember mom using Clove oil on my tooth when I was small though. Take care smantha1 as the winter is the most likely time for us to get sick and take the longest to get better again. Hope you had a good New Years Eve in spite of the issues you have and we all have a better 2019. 

Offline Betty

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Re: Peace, love, happiness, & good cheers to everyone.
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2019, 11:54:52 PM »
LOL. Speaking of liquor, did you ever have shots with a friend who never had Tequila before?

Anderson does shots:


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