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Author Topic: Happy New Year  (Read 3478 times)

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Online andyg0404

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Happy New Year
« on: December 31, 2021, 10:11:49 AM »
Good morning,

Here's wishing Betty, Angela and everyone on the board a very Happy New Year. My wish for this New Year is the same wish as for last New Year, an end to this plague. An end to the collective anger and depression would be nice, but I'm not confident that will happen any time soon.

Andy G.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Happy New Year
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2022, 10:01:01 PM »
Thank you andyg for the New Years greetings and yes we sure need this Covid to be over and yes it sure would be nice if there was an end to all the anger and racism in the world. Not sure if the reporting has gotten greater or just the anger but we sure seem to hear more and more about these crazy things happening everyday. Thanks also for your content posted here from time to time as I do check in once in awhile but not as much as I used to. Old age seems to be getting the best of us in our Golden years and I am not as active as I was in many things these days but not for lack of trying. I am going to be 73 this year and still can't believe I look beautiful in my panties, tights and dresses. Rose coloured glasses I guess but I have my memories of times gone by and sure do miss those days. I also remember those we have lost who contributed to Betty's and other like minded pages and websites. Lucky for us Betty keeps some of the content here for us to enjoy.


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