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Author Topic: Brownstone Detectives  (Read 6651 times)

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Online andyg0404

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Brownstone Detectives
« on: April 21, 2016, 01:59:44 PM »

I know we've had items like this before but I don't think this particular link has been posted.



And if I've just had a senior moment, well, it's to be expected I guess.

Andy G.

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Re: Brownstone Detectives
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2016, 11:56:42 PM »
Yep. Back in September. I added the images cleaned up a little there too.

(scroll down a couple posts).

Online andyg0404

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Re: Brownstone Detectives
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2016, 02:29:22 PM »
And I posted it. I thought it looked familiar but I couldn't decide how to search the database for it because I couldn't remember how I had tagged it. Thanks Betty.

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Re: Brownstone Detectives
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2016, 02:58:04 PM »
It was 7 months ago, so I couldn't remember where it was either, but did remember the picture. I just typed in brownstone in our search feature & it came up.

BTW, when doing a search at most search engines/services, or our search feature, if you use more than one word in the search, it may come up with results for anything that had any or all of those words.

Like a search for brownstone detectives may produce many results for brownstone & many results for detectives. However if you enclose your search in quotes like, "brownstone detectives" most of your results will be for the phrase brownstone detectives only. By enclosing it in quotes, you're telling the search to look for that phrase only, & not the individual words. Some search engines though, that can't find many results for the phrase, may include results for both words anyway, but it will prioritize the search for the phrase near the top first.

But let's say there's also a TV Columbo episode also called brownstone detectives, & your results are showing lots of results for the TV show instead of what you were looking for, you can eliminate results from the show by typing, "brownstone detectives" -columbo.

-columbo tells most searches not to include results that contain columbo in it. The minus sign in front of the word, with no spaces between the word & the minus, tells search engines you don't want your search results to include that word. Also, searches don't care if you use caps or not. They just search by the word or phrase you typed.


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