Conservatives as a whole tend to push against anything that disrupts their status quo.
Now that the conservatives are in power again things are becoming worse than they did during the Bush era. Hate is everywhere, & there are people are getting brave or more encouraged to spread their prejudices because now they think it's now OK to be a bigot. They hate everyone who's not just like them, or let poor, elderly, disabled, & the unfortunate to suffer & die to save a few bucks in some wealthy people's or company's pockets because they feel it is now socially acceptable.
Already this month, YouTube has tagged more than half my video's at the Betty's channel as inappropriate, ineligible & unsutable for advertisers, & advertising revenue. All the videos showing any crossdressing were tagged. But they also tagged the Shirley Temple tribute videos, & the Little House Girls slideshows as inappropriate for general audiences, & advertisers. There's currently not any copyright claims currently on them. Just anything crossdressing or featuring pretty dresses has been tagged as inappropriate.
I can understand some prude or advertisers not liking the panties video, but more than half of everything on the channel is now tagged by youtube as inappropriate for advertisers & users. So some prude is working at youtube, & now thinks it's OK to discriminate against anyone they want or don't like for no good or legal reason.
But it's just not our sissy channel. At my PSK/Unclegadget youtube channel, they also tagged every video that shows the president, his familty or friends in a bad light as inappropriate for users & advertisers.
So they're pulling all advertising off anything crossdressing, pretty dresses, & anything disagreeing with the government or criticizing it, & labeling all as inappropriate for audiences & advertisers.
Is this going to be like back in the Bush days when we had to change web servers as ofter as 4 times a year because they now longer like crossdressing on their system or because I disagree with the current political regime?
There was a time just up to last year, when it wasn't considered proper or legal to pull that crap anymore. But suddenly bigots feel OK to pull or refuse services, benefits, & opportunities from people different from them or that disagree with them again.
Tell me how a video or Trump pushing NATO leaders aside so he can be front & center for photos, or somebody not wanting to shake hands with him, or getting booed in Germany is inappropriate for audiences & advertising. How are slide shows of a Shirley Temple tribute, or slide shows of Nellie & Nancy of the Little House series inappropriate?
They're slowly taking our rights & freedoms away a little at a time so you don't notice it. They're gradually taking away our right to be different or disagree, or our right to support people brave enough to.
Unlike during the Bush era, we now have a regime that actively & proudly goes after the free press, & free speech by discrediting it, calling everyone liars, & trying to shut down everyone who disagrees with them. They actually encourage their followers not to read or watch the news, & not listen to anybody else but them.
We're living in very dangerous times that can suddenly get much worse in a wink of an eye.
How much longer before you or I have our homes raided & are arrested because we were inappropriate, read, or watched something "inappropriate"? How much longer before the wealthy conservatives, as they are getting richer, become the major stock holders of your local TV station, radio station, networks, or intertnet providers so they can control & filter your news, & everything you read, watch, or hear?
If they can already influence some youtube content & their advertisers this year, & many web servers, how much further can they go in a few more months or a year? Will late night talk show hosts be replaced by shows hosted by conservatives, the government, or religious extremist propaganda?
Will you, me, & Betty's have to move underground again?
Will we be considered "inappropriate", or a terrorists, put on a "no fly" list by Homeland Security, or arrested, or lose our job, get evicted, just because we disagreed with a politician, read or watched something that disagreed, or ordered a pretty dress & panties online?