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Author Topic: My infrequent visits;  (Read 6583 times)

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Offline Angela M...

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My infrequent visits;
« on: April 22, 2019, 10:54:49 PM »
Hey guys, I keep popping in and out of here once in awhile only because I am fighting the Flu right now and a bad cough since last week. A dismal Easter mostly in bed nodding off until the cough wakes me again and most syrups don't seem to work and neither does Honey & lemon or Ginger Tea or some of the other things I have read on the Net. Doctor said it may last two or three weeks so perhaps I have less than two to go. heres hoping.

Offline samantha1

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Re: My infrequent visits;
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2019, 07:24:17 PM »
Hi Angela/hope you will feel better soon.I know what having flu is like and it isn't very nice to get.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: My infrequent visits;
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2019, 08:10:06 PM »
Hi samantha1, this is the worst I have had in a long time. Just when I think I am feeling better it hits me again. Falling behind in my Spring clean up around the house but the way I feel I just don't care right now.  Our hospital is saying Don't come in we can't help you. Get bed rest and fluids, so I am trying that but there are still quite a few people ignoring their requests. I was due for a Bone Scan this week but they called me and cancelled because their tech people are sick too. I called my doctor to cancel the follow up appointment after the scan and give them the new date change and two in their office are sick also. Rough winter so far.

Online andyg0404

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Re: My infrequent visits;
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2019, 10:12:43 PM »
Hi Angela,

Sorry to hear you are so under the weather. I don't know how you can manage getting on the Internet. I didn't start getting the annual flu shot until about ten years ago and that was after I had a bout with it earlier in the year. It was the sickest I have ever been in my life. I woke up, literally fell out of bed, crawled downstairs and turned on my computer and it took about ten minutes to type, "Sick, not coming in." I spent the rest of the day just sitting in the chair. Couldn't watch TV, read or basically do anything aside from sit. That pretty much convinced me to get the shot the following winter and I haven't been sick since. Also got the pneumonia and the shingles shots. Knock wood I'm healthy and would like to stay that way. Hope you start to feel better real soon.


Andy G.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: My infrequent visits;
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2019, 01:35:36 PM »
Hi andyg, I check in here out of boredom as I have spent a lot of time in bed this week or so. The headache is the biggest problem as it is hard to read or think and I don't like pain meds because they are too hard on my stomach. I get the Flu shot every year but this year the doctor warned me that a new strain of Flu was said to be stronger than the vaccine. The Shingles shot would not help as I have had them twice already and the vaccine is not good with all the meds I take. I did get the pneumonia shot a few years ago also. I have been lucky most of my life with illnesses as I hate to be sick so I eat relatively healthy and get some exercise but I could do more. I thought my appetite was coming back so I had supper last night but it did not agree with me today. Anyway thanks for asking after my health   

Offline jeangurl

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Re: My infrequent visits;
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2019, 08:48:26 PM »
Hello Angela
 Glad you are getting better. I get the Flu shot every year and touch wood haven't had the Flu for many years. I had Shingles about twenty years ago but luckily it was just my shoulder and neck. A few years ago I asked my doctor about vaccination for it but he said seeing I had already had it it wasn't necessary.
I am in good health generally except for controlled High blood pressure (which isn't very well controlled at the present so I am seeing The Doc. on Monday and B.P.H. (enlarged prostate).

I cycle every day and attend a gym and try to eat well but I guess some of these things just come with age i.e. the prostate and blood pressure etc.
I guess I cant complain at 77. :-[
Luv Jeangurl  8)

Offline Angela M...

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Re: My infrequent visits;
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2019, 12:51:32 PM »
Hey jeangurl, I wish I kept up with the riding but I had a bad knee for awhile and stopped for that and after it was operated on I never started back again. My first bout with shingles was on my face and was caught very early by my friend the pharmacist who told me to see my doctor right away. I was able to and he praised the guy for having a good eye and knowledge and it did not last very long but left me with Bells Palsey and ringing in my ears sometimes. The second time was a year or so later on my back and side and was severe. I still have scars to show for it. I have to see my urologist in two weeks for a scope into my bladder to see if the condition is worse or the same. My yearly appointments are pretty much the same until this year I mentioned having accidents at night sometimes if I fall into a deep sleep so he wants a look inside. Not done that for about 10 years I think. 


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