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Author Topic: Happy Thanksgiving our Canadian friends  (Read 5591 times)

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Offline Betty

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Happy Thanksgiving our Canadian friends
« on: October 14, 2019, 12:28:55 PM »
Happy Thanksgiving!

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving our Canadian friends
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2019, 08:33:02 PM »
Thanks for that Betty, I love kitties but not pumpkin pie so much. Had a big family dinner on Saturday and tried to catch up with people we don't see very often. Amazing how 20 people can make short work of a 22 pound turkey and ten pound ham and all the trimmings along with three pies and a cheesecake. I mostly stay out of the way for fear of losing a hand or something. Everybody tries to squeeze into a small two bedroom apartment but a percentage go straight to the balcony to smoke what they bring. I am not a fan of either of their choices so I stay well away from there and the smell makes me ill anyway. Of course we are all thankful for the life we all have in Canada and most of us are in pretty good health as well. That still means our health is always a topic of conversation with the usual ones complaining about everything under the sun. From bad knees and bad backs and lousy doctors and horrible wait times at the Emergency Clinic if they chose to go there for some minor thing. People like them are the reason the wait times are so long and I usually voice my opinion more than once in an evening. Anyway a good time was had by most as they say.   


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