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Author Topic: Social distancing tubes  (Read 6115 times)

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Offline Betty

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Social distancing tubes
« on: May 19, 2020, 02:53:59 PM »
They should have a seat in them like baby walkers do so when you sit in them, you can still push yourself around with your legs.

Because restrooms are still a risk, should diapers be required? Usually when someone has a couple drinks or beers, they have to go pee real bad.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Social distancing tubes
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2020, 11:47:16 PM »
Great idea Betty, put some bigger wheels on them like the walkers but yes diapers should be required. Due to my night time problems I have resorted to wearing a night time diaper to prevent flooding the bed and because bathrooms are closed in most places I need to wear some protection while going for my meds and groceries as I seldom find a shop with a small lineup and I do like to frequent the small farmers markets in the area but others have also discovered these were not that busy before now. I saw a guy wearing a fat Sumo wrestler Halloween costume while shopping to keep the distance. A bit novel but not the required 6 feet apart as guidelines suggest but he was fully covered. I find that many people are ignoring the guidelines in some cases anyway.


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