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Author Topic: Happy Thanksgiving Canada  (Read 5294 times)

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Offline Betty

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Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« on: October 10, 2022, 03:15:03 PM »
Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbors in Canada.
(I can see Canada from my house)

Offline ace

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2022, 06:21:08 PM »
Salutations from a fellow commonwealth country (down under).

This might sound stupid, forgive my ignorance but do you look at a wall/fence Betty? How is the border delineated?


Offline Betty

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2022, 02:30:30 PM »
Separated by rivers & the Great Lakes in my end of the country, one crosses a bridge to get to Canada. You must go through customs or checkpoint to cross the border. Since COVID, a passport, proof of health status & vaccinations were required. At one point because of COVID, the borders were closed -- no entry allowed.

Since Oct. 1, 2022 health restrictions have been lifted for now, so only a passport is required. In most cases, at least in my area, when crossing the border, they ask you where you were born, where are you going, & how long you'll be staying. Without checking any paperwork or anything, they just wave most through over 90% of the time, random checking only some vehicles & people, or suspicious ones.

They're more strict with commercial & shipping vehicles.

No walls, & only a few fences here & there at official border crossings.

Offline ace

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2022, 07:45:57 PM »
Wow, hadn't appreciated just how close to Toronto you are.

Peace Bridge ..... was there ever a war ...?


Offline Angela M...

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2022, 09:51:33 PM »
Thank you Betty for the Thanksgiving greetings. Hope you are doing OK these days as your Thanksgiving is not far off. Have not looked in here for awhile as I spend my time reading stories and looking after my health which means doctors appointments and blood tests etc. Thanks also to Ace down under. Yes there was a War in 1812 between the British and the Americans but I think the Peace Bridge symbolizes the peace we have with our close neighbours. A lot of my time is spent on facebook talking with friends and cousins in England and Australia and other parts of Canada and the U.S. Our friends in Florida got caught in hurricane Ian living close to Tampa and other friends had gone to Orlando in the middle of it all for a family function. I have not heard if they made it back yet. The winter home my parents had in Fort Myers is no more as aerial photo's show it was devastated. Anyway, keep well Betty and we both hope winter will not be as bad as they say it will be.

Offline Betty

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2022, 04:34:11 PM »
Ace, the last war the USA had with Canada was in 1812 when Canada was still a British colony opposed to our independence & expansion west. We've been close allies ever since then. Yep, you'll find plenty of people from Buffalo in Toronto, & lots from Canada in Buffalo... especially on weekends & holidays.

You'll see many from the states in Montreal & Quebec too. Many travel far north to Quebec city for vacations in the middle of winter for their really cool winter festivals rather than go south for warmth. Quebec city is like visiting Europe without actually having to go all the way to Europe.

Offline Betty

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2022, 04:46:30 PM »
Angela, every month & season my COPD still gets slowly worse. But once in a while I discover something that helps it a little bit. Eating much causes me to breath worse, & often my pulse & blood pressure to go crazy. So I have to eat little bits at a time, many times, throughout the day & night. So there won't be any Thanksgiving feast, but light nibbles of the most healthy of the stuff. Our Thanksgivings are the last Thursday in November.

That last hurricane went right through the middle of Florida. Usually they just hit the shorelines. Did your family still own the property down there?

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2022, 09:15:49 PM »
Hi Betty, I know how it is with COPD, I have a friend with that also. Not a great feeling not being able to get your breath. My parents sold their place in Fort Myers many years ago when my dad got Cancer. He knew they would not be driving down there anymore and was not sure how long he had. It turned out he was gone inside of 8 months. I wanted to buy the place myself but it was a retirement community for 65 plus and I was a few years short of that. I checked the area a few years ago to see if it was for sale but there was nothing in the area at the time. I know my mom missed going down there and the friends they had but when we did fly down her friends were mostly gone also. She said it was not the same without dad and never wanted to go back again. We have friends in the Tampa area that rode out the storm. They lost a few trees but did not get any damage to their house. Thanks for the reply, I will try and get back in here more oftenas I may have more time on my hands. I can't do the upkeep on my house now and need to start paying people to do it but they never pay the same attention to details that I do so I may need to think about selling up and moving. Apartments are outrageous these days so it needs some serious thought. Anyway hope you can keep well and the winter will not be as bad as they say.

Offline samantha1

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2022, 10:50:17 AM »
when was thank giving in Canada and Betty when is thank giving  in usa.How are you keeping  these  days with COPD.Is it getting worse or static.And how far are you from Buffalo  to the Canading border

Offline samantha1

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving Canada
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2022, 11:05:56 AM »
Hey Angela,that is the biggest problem i also have having to get outsiders in too do your cleaning when cleaning  is  too much too do yourself,.What is your age?There is a cleaning company that is worldwide called Fantastic cleaners .


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