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Author Topic: It's the it might as well be Spring Flickr as the Winter Flickr is now locked!  (Read 29896 times)

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Online andyg0404

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Hello everybody and welcome back to My Weekly Flickr.

It is a lovely day and I planned on discussing my trip into New York City to see an exhibit of Rembrandt etchings at the Palitz Gallery at 11 East 61st Street in Manhattan. I can tell you about the trip but not the etchings as I never actually got to see the exhibit. And while I like to walk, I think I must have walked about 80 blocks today and it was a warmish day. The paperback book that I had in my back pocket needed to be dried out when I got home.

I planned on visiting Trader Joe’s and buying nuts, then proceeding to the Gallery. I looked up Joe’s on the Internet and found the address of the store on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, which is on Broadway, then entered the address into my street locator which told me it was at 74th Street. Great. I walked up to 74th Street from the Port Authority and did not find the Trader Joe’s. I even continued another block to 75th Street as the street locator is not so precise but there was no store. I was frustrated but what could I do. I then walked down from 75th Street and Broadway to 61st Street and Fifth Avenue where I discovered that the Palitz Gallery was closed. As the sign outside, as well as the Internet, all said it was open on Saturdays from 11AM to 4PM and it was 11:10 AM I was nonplussed. I rang the bell and waited, although looking through the window in the door it was clear that it wasn’t open. After a moment a man walked out and I queried him about the gallery but it turns out the building is also a hotel and he was a guest and knew nothing of the gallery. I walked away in search of a pay phone as I am still holding out against getting a cell phone. There are still many pay phones in New York City. Of course the majority of them no longer work. I was heading for the 57th Street and Sixth Avenue Subway entrance so as to take the F train to 23rd Street so as to proceed to the Trader Joe’s on 22nd Street, a place that I know exists as I’ve been there. I stopped at a pay phone, picked it up, heard silence and decided my visit to the Gallery would not take place today. I continued on to the subway entrance, walked down the stairs to the turnstiles and found a notice posted. No Downtown trains at this station. Well, as Dana Carvey used to say, isn’t that special! Remarkably frustrated at this point I continued my walk and entered the subway at 50th Street. When I was checking out at the Trader Joe’s I asked the clerk where the store was located on the Upper West Side. He said 72nd Street and Broadway. So I had walked right by it. When I said that he said that it was easy to miss as it was not a large storefront, just an entranceway into a space that was actually enormous but two flights underground. I hadn’t written down the actual address as I assumed it was half a city block like the other two stores in Manhattan that I’ve visited. That certainly didn’t please me either.

So I took the subway up to the Port Authority and caught the bus back to New Jersey, with nuts but no Rembrandt. When I arrived home, I pulled out the ad  for the exhibit, which I had in in my pocket, so as to call the Gallery and ask them what had happened. Of course there was no phone number on it which meant that even if I had found a working pay phone I still would not have been able to contact them. So I went online and got the number and called them. A young man answered and when I explained what had happened he said that he had arrived late due to subway problems. Then he added that he thought he had passed me on his way to the gallery. He asked if I was the older man he saw walking away from the Gallery. When I said yes, he told me that he thought I had been walking away from the gallery and thought about saying something but didn’t. ______________________ As you can see, words still fail me. I just said thanks and hung up.

As always it was clear that events do conspire against me.

Hope everyone else had a much calmer Saturday.

Let’s wander over to Flickr and see who’s visiting us today.

Andy G.

My Halloween idea...Yes I'm a straight male ; )


" Today I'm June"




The Disney Princesses


Mr. Dorothy


Will in his pretty pink party dress                           


Tgirl Fashion; Baby Blues


Here to save the world, dressed like a girl!


Candy spank


So the kids bought rob at an auction and dressed him like this


Online andyg0404

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Hello everybody and welcome back to My Weekly Flickr.

It was warm and humid very early this morning then it cooled off a little and threatened rain although the rain hasn’t arrived and it’s fairly mild out. A relatively pleasant day, aside from my walking into a street sign on the way back to my house from the bus. I am embarrassed to say this is not the first time I’ve done this. It is a combination of my not seeing so well, my tendency to walk looking down rather than straight ahead and my general obliviousness. Instead of bouncing off as I usually do, apparently I scraped the side of it as I now have a three inch scratch on my forehead. I am clearly a danger to myself although I can’t seem to break my habits. This may prove more serious as I sink deeper into my dotage.

Other than that very little going on. Visited my ancient Aunt and read from the October 4th 1954 New York Daily News, almost 59 years ago to the day. The weather was pretty much the same as today, close to the 80’s and muggy. And the News’ meteorologist explained that what they were experiencing was not Indian Summer as people were calling it. You have to have a frost prior to the warm weather returning to experience the phenomenon Indian Summer. Wonder if that phrase is now politically incorrect. I am also discovering that my excellent record in spelling is starting to decay and words I have always spelled correctly now get corrected by automatic spell check. I see this in the crossword puzzle as well where I have to overwrite answers. Of course sometimes I have to overwrite answers because I thought the clue said 24 across when it was actually 21 across. That can really screw up a grid.

Anyway, let’s see what’s happening today at the Flickrs.

Andy G.

Boy to Girl Transformation,


sailor top


Boy in dress


Boy in skirt


 02-25-2009 01;29;02PM


And you think I dress funny_01


Red and White JSK 6


Stockwell,in the beginning


Bushwig Drag Festival


Sleeping Beauty 13






Offline Robyn Jodie

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Hey, re-viewing last week's "Mr Dorothy" reminded me that I read recently (can't remember where) that according to the market research of a costume manufacturing and sales group, "Dorothy" was one of last year's most popular Halloween costumes for boys.

Online andyg0404

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Hello everybody and welcome back to My Weekly Flickr.

Another lovely day, albeit a tad cool but as it is October I guess it is to be expected. The evenings and mornings have been in the 50’s and I venture to guess that I will have to turn my heating system on soon. Nothing like sitting in the comfy chair and reading while your money burns to keep you warm.

I made a second attempt to visit the Palitz Gallery this morning and this time the clerk was on time. This was for an exhibit of Rembrandt and other 17th Century Printmakers. I got there at 10:45 AM and sat on a bench on Fifth Avenue reading my book until 10:58AM. I walked over and a minute later he showed up… running. I guess he likes to cut it close. But he opened the door and let me in. He turned on the lights and told me to follow him upstairs where he again turned on the lights and unlocked the Gallery for me. I was alone inside for about ten minutes when two women came in. We were the only visitors the entire time I was there. It’s a nice little exhibit and most of the art were things I had never seen. There were a number artists I wasn’t familiar with such as Jan Dirskz Both, Jan Van De Velde II and Cornelis Dusart to name a few. There were etchings by Adrien Van Ostade and Ferdinand Bol, two names I do know. All of it was quite pleasant. Some of the Rembrandts were just too small or dark for me to fully appreciate, my eyesight being what it is but I’m glad I went. Two Rembrandt etchings in particular that were wonderful were two peasant figures side by side, one saying, “Tis Vinnich Kout” (It’s very cold) while the other replied “Das Niet” (That’s Nothing). The Palitz always offers a very nice brochure, this one had every piece in the show along with the rather extensive description and explanation that was on the wall next to it.

This is a link to an illustration of the two peasants by Rembrandt.


A number of years ago, it’s difficult to count how many but I’m fairly certain I was living in my current home, my big brother gave me a pedometer. I confess that when I received it I thought it too complicated to deal with and it has been sitting on my table ever since. I had time to kill this morning as the gallery doesn’t open until 11AM and something inspired me to look at it. The first instruction gave me pause, it said to remove the plastic covering over the face of the display. Not an easy thing for someone who has no fingernails but I managed to get it off and subsequently was able to actually set it. I wore it today and this is the result. I walked 2.97 miles. I/3 of a mile of that was in my living room trying to set my stride so as to make it count the steps properly. I walked 7620 steps, 4599 of which were at an aerobic rate. It probably would have been higher but the City was absolutely mobbed today, can’t imagine what so many tourists were doing here in the middle of October and it appears that the City is being completely rebuilt, there was construction and blocked sidewalks everywhere I went. I used up 174 calories which is 2 ½ chocolate coated cookies that I occasionally treat myself to, not to mention 10.3 grams of fat. It’s very handy as it clips to my belt and also has a clock in it. It has a memory so you can look back over the prior week. I think I will probably wear it every day.

I had a visit from the police last week. Those of you who are around my age and lived the kind of lifestyle people our age did in the 60’s and 70’s will understand that opening the door of your home and seeing a policeman is not something to look forward to. I was sitting in my chair reading one night when the doorbell rang twice. I stood up and answered it and was very surprised to see a policeman. He immediately asked me if I knew who owned the car that was parked in front of my house as they were paving the road and it would have to be towed away if no one came out. I told him I didn’t recognize it. He thanked me and I closed the door. I was grateful that he hadn’t come specifically to see me and I had to laugh as I am the last person who could have identified the car for him. It could have been an elephant parked outside and I would have had trouble saying if it was gray. I would be an atrocious eyewitness. When I was in Jr. High School I left the room to go to the bathroom and passed a man in the hall. When I came back I must have mentioned it to the teacher as he asked me to describe him. I said he was wearing a suit. The teacher queried me for more details none of which I was able to supply and finally in frustration he said, “was he wearing shoes?” I don’t think I could have verified that either. Not the most observant individual I’m afraid.

Anyway, let’s stroll down Flickr lane and see who is visiting us this week.

Andy G.

High speed chase! (The dress was his idea, the wig was June's doing.)


Sissy Dorm


Conrad at 11:00 pm



Being Helen


Sunday in the Streets

Tracey is ready for action




RbF dress as Girl


Sailor Moon


My fair Lady


Andrea sissy boy in fuck me lingerie


WBP Cutie (Daisy May) in Red


Online andyg0404

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Hello everybody and welcome back to My Weekly Flickr.

Our pleasant weather continues. I called my plumber to come service my boiler for the Winter and he commented that he was wondering when he would hear from me. Usually we’ve had a cold spell by now which has prompted me to be in touch but this year it’s only my noticing the calendar that prompted the call. Although I think I will be turning it on soon enough, it was in the low 40’s this morning when I awoke although it warmed up by the time I left the house at 8 AM.

Very little to report this week. Visited my ancient Aunt and read to her from the June 10, 1929  New York Daily News. The first six pages all concerned a murder suicide. The actor Louis Bennison shot his lover, the actress Margaret Lawrence, in the heart while she slept and then put a bullet into his own heart as well. She had fallen on tough times and he was married and had a child with a woman who would not give him a divorce. And he was insanely jealous of Margaret not wanting her to be with anyone but her. It was a real tabloid tragedy and I read the whole story to my Aunt.  When I announced the article we agreed that neither of us had heard of either of these two faded stars. And when I finished I noticed  my Aunt had dozed off at some point. But as she will be 97 next week I wasn’t insulted. We agreed that I could bring the paper back in two weeks and read it again.

So, let’s wander among the Flickrs and see who is out today.

Andy G.

WBP - Womanless Beauty Walk


A bit more 'ooooh la la' in the woods


Pretty ... er, girl?      




Two pink maids 1


Mango Tree Ladyboy Competition 2013 - DSC_0240


Feeling So Happy


dressed by his wife or should that be in his wife's clothes


from Emotive


annette 08


From boy to girl! :P


Anniversary trip to Bar Harbor


Online andyg0404

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Hello everybody and welcome back to My Weekly Flickr.

It’s a crisp Fall  day here in the Northeast, cool but not cold. This morning I ventured into New York City to attend an exhibit at the Morgan Library, “Tiepolo, Guardi, and Their World: Eighteenth-Century Venetian Drawings.“ It was a splendid show. All of the many items in this exhibit are from the Morgan’s vast holdings and half of those on display are by  Giambattista and his son Domenico Tiepolo. The father’s drawings are mostly sketches for his ceiling frescos while the son drew pictures of the clown Punchinello as well as scenes from the Bible. Mixed in are drawings by Canaletto and Guardi, two favorites of mine, who drew veduta, actual scenes from the City of Venice and capriccio, drawings of fictitious or false geographical locations.  Like their large scale paintings these drawings are wonders of detail. There are also postcards that Guardi created of some of his views of Venice which I wish my eyes were better able to appreciate. It’s a wonderful exhibit and I’m glad I was able to see it. This is a link to a NY Times article describing the exhibit. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/27/arts/design/tiepolo-guardi-and-their-world-at-the-morgan.html?_r=0 and this is a link to the Morgan website with illustrations of some of the works.  http://www.themorgan.org/exhibitions/exhibitionList.asp?exhibition=Tiepolo

Also on display was an exhibit of Leonardo DaVinci’s drawings and his Codex on The Flight of Birds. It’s rare to come across DaVinci and these were a pleasant extra for my visit. This is a link to the Morgan library with a little more exposition about this exhibit. It just opened and hasn’t been reviewed as yet by the Times.  http://www.themorgan.org/exhibitions/exhibition.asp?id=81

Now that we have our art and culture out of the way let’s wander down to the Flickrs.

Andy G.

sissy Stephen


Halloween drag

Bride 3


Kiss me


Sissy dress up


Shape shifting






Gender Bender

Halloween West Hollywood 2012 Snow White Drag Princess


Guys and Princess drag


San Diego International Comic-Con 2012



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