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Author Topic: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)  (Read 39305 times)

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Offline Betty

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (197 pix gallery)
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2014, 05:58:56 PM »

Offline Betty

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (197 pix gallery)
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2014, 05:59:52 PM »

Offline Betty

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (197 pix gallery)
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2014, 06:00:51 PM »

Offline ballucanb

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2014, 06:38:44 PM »
Someone has to pick up where we leave off, personally I love that extra frilly, "I'm a sissy look" they show.

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2014, 12:14:53 PM »
Yep. It all started over a decade ago in Japan. They called it "Japanese Gothic" although it had nothing to do with American or European Gothic styles & music... More related to the Japanese Cosplay scene, where girls wanted to dress like old fashioned little girls. Interestingly, it made the girls attractive to many men there.

I found out about it from a post here back then called, "Hope this is coming to America" (but I can't remember who posted it). Well, it did, after a few years.

Back then, those outfits were homemade, because off the shelf girls outfits were no longer frilly enough since the 1990s, & sissy outfits from the custom shops were too expensive for most young people (in their teens to 20s). Eventually the trend got some support on the west coast of the USA too, & was re-named Japanese Lolita.

As the trend got more popular eventually some shops (mostly Chinese) started mass-producing the outfits at a more reasonable price than custom sissy shops. That made the trend even more popular because it was now as affordable as Cosplay, if they didn't know how to sew or didn't have the time to make their own outfits.

When I had the fire & lost everything, including a lifetime's collection of beautiful outfits & kinky stuff, it didn't take long before this transvestite's urge for a pretty dress was desperate. By that time there was very little pretty girl's dresses, & almost no extra frilly dresses available in stores in girls size 14 or above. But as low as $10-$25 a dress I bought girls store dresses & stuff rather than have nothing. Not very frilly though.

It didn't satisfy me much, they weren't as fun as most of my large collection that I lost. Finally Milanoo started selling a large variety of Japanese Lolita dresses in my & adult sizes. So I got a few for an average of only $56 each. Most people are afraid to order stuff from China, but I knew Milanoo was trustworthy, because they were already getting rave reviews from the USA & the rest of the world. I had already bought LED lighting from a Chinese firm, so I knew not all Chinese companies are bad. A high brightness tactical LED flashlight for $60 here can be bought there for $16 there, & shipping cost was pocket change. Most Apple products come from China.

The shipping takes longer though because it sits at USA customs forever until they release it to go on it's way.

Milanoo was the first to carry a very large variety of Japanese Lolita dresses cheap, & ship them all over the world. Word spread fast through here at Betty's & others about them.

Eventually you could get the dresses from several sources, although many of those sources still use Milanoo as their source.

As people worldwide started wearing them, the Japanese name has been dropped. We just call them Lolita Dresses now.

By that time they caught the eye of younger men & boys who liked frillier styles. Really frilly stuff was hard to find in their size in regular stores, & the sissy shops were still unaffordable to most young people for the prettiest stuff.

The Lolita outfits also had the advantage of being related to Cosplay, so were considered costumes rather than just dresses. So they can prance around in them without admitting to themselves that they are a sissy, & most people wouldn't suspect they were a real crossdresser or transvestite... it was just a costume (LOL).

Of course here at Betty's we know better. If you like to wear real frilly girly stuff, you are a real sissy.

A really cute kid in Lolita dresses, who's screen name was "Deer Antlers" & "Deer Prince" started spreading the term "Brolita" for brother Lolita. In sissy circles it came to mean Boy Lolita, a male in Lolita & sissy fashion.

Since then, an offshoot of the trend came about. We used to call frilly, fancy, or silky boy outfits (no dresses) "Lord Fauntleroy", Fauntleroy, or Paige Boy outfits in sissy communities. In the 21st century it's an offshoot of the Lolita trend, & is called Kodona, Ouji, or Harajuku... Japanese terms. More recently it's being redefined in English terms as, aristocrat, prince, boystyle, anime boy, pirate, cosplay, or boy victorian. But it's more common to still use the Japanese terms.

In the old days it was simpler. We just called it Fauntleroy, instead of thinking up almost 10 different names for the same thing... It's a frilly sissy in pants or bloomers instead of a dress.

Anywho, they're starting to mass produce these Kodona, or Fauntleroy outfits too, for guys & girls. If I could afford it, I'd have a few Fauntleroy outfits by now. But I like frilly dresses better, so I had to set my priorities for what I could afford after the fire.

There is a disturbing trend recently, much to my disappointment to make Lolita dresses more Gothic, Victorian, or vampire-like to please the American market. Although I can like a Victorian dress, this not along the lines of the original Japanese & was coast Lolita trend, which was to dress like a young girl in frilly stuff. Japanese Lolita, & American Gothic, or Victorian is not the same thing but here in the USA they're starting to ruin it by blending them all together as a single Lolita fashion... which they are not.

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2014, 03:38:34 PM »
This is as Brolita as I can get with my collection.  Dress is from Unikaren, panties from e-Bay, petticoat is a girl size from a square dance shop and strap shoes from a dance shop.

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2014, 04:10:45 PM »

Thought this video very apropos.

Brolita vs Lolita SNOWBALL FIGHT!


Andy G.

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2014, 10:16:30 PM »
LOL. It's been a while since I saw that.

Offline sissybaby34

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2014, 04:00:22 PM »
I really love the lolita look and always thought i would never be able to get those cute dresses to fit me. I have done a bit of research and found an excellent site that does custom made. Not just dresses but everything you could want. To my surprise even shoes to EU 46. So first item ordered is this.

Offline sissybaby34

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Re: Brolita: 21st century Sissy? (81 more pix added Jan 25)
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2014, 04:05:38 PM »
and this


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