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Author Topic: Halloween  (Read 9440 times)

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Offline tara_c

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« on: October 08, 2013, 10:05:22 PM »
i haven't been here in a long time as i miss spell lots of words but i work at a mall and had a sighting all ready and needed to share toy story empolyee was cross dressed by co workers and i sunck a pic on my Friends phone

link to pic as too big to attach

Offline Betty

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Re: Halloween
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 03:42:30 PM »
Dressing up, right in the store front! Thanks.

But I can hardly see it.

The picture was 1200x1600 at almost a 1/2 a mb in sized. That's a higher resolution than the phone or camera was capable of producing clearly. That's why it looks so blurry & grainy. Use a lower resolution setting & your pictures will actually look better. Anything larger than 600-700 high or wide is just a waste of bandwidth & space, & will actually make the picture worse on that kind of phone or camera.

Below I tried to fix it a little for you in 2 pix. The original, & a close-up in a smaller file size but a little bit clearer:

image no longer exists on this server

Offline BabyLock

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Re: Halloween
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2013, 04:00:55 PM »
The ODD thing is the pants worn with (under) the dress.
While they appear to be the same color it diminishes the effect unless they are extreme length pantaloons even at that very very ODD !
I was expecting white or pink tights with ankle sox detail and mary janes ! Now we are going to a party and not being used as a strange walking human mannequin.

AND thanks Betty for the photo shop work !

Offline tara_c

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Re: Halloween
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2013, 10:23:24 PM »
like i said i was trying to hide the camera phone as it was a co workers i did best i could to share something that doesn't happen daily it was 100% mix of girls costumes even fairy wings too bad he didn't shave


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