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Author Topic: My Kinda Store  (Read 9432 times)

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Offline Sissy Demi

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My Kinda Store
« on: November 19, 2013, 03:15:16 PM »
Bet you wish your mom took you shopping here.

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Offline ballucanb

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Re: My Kinda Store
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2013, 06:49:33 PM »
Yes I certainly do.

Offline BabyLock

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Re: My Kinda Store
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 10:17:19 PM »
I just love it when things like that happen.
No doubt the merchandise display person was not aware of the sign overhead directing customers to the Boys department (on the other side of the sign).
Since the sign has clothing items; a 3 pack at £3.00 must be somewhere in Great Britain ?
Then again maybe Wal*Mart hires cheap help in the UK and it is fashionably correct to mix boys and girls items together ?
Who knows - Go figure !

Offline BillieJo

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Re: My Kinda Store
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2013, 10:55:40 AM »
When I was about five or six I somehow got mixed in with about eight or nine girl cousins. I was also with my mother, sisters and four aunts. As I recall it was close to Easter and everyone wanted to go shopping for Easter dresses. This was back around 1955-6. I was the only boy. I always felt as though I was a girl at that time and had been dressed in girly items before then.

We all piled into the cars and took off for the great downtown. We entered a shop that catered to girls and women. One by one the girls picked out their dresses. As I recall they were all very excited. I seem to recall that we spent a lot of time looking at dresses and trying them on. I was excited about being there also (no not in that way you silly sissies!)LOL!  And no I didn't try on any dresses. When we were about to leave I very innocently asked my mother in a very loud voice, "aren't you going to buy me a dress too"? I can
still hear the deafening silence when I asked that question. I was told later by my mother that she was very embarrassed by my question. I can remember riding home and being teased by my sisters and cousins because of a very innocent question I asked. I didn't really understand male female differences at that time.


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