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Author Topic: Womanless Mother Lode  (Read 10901 times)

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Offline TaylorJackson

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Womanless Mother Lode
« on: August 04, 2015, 03:23:21 PM »

Recently found the mother lode of womanless pageants pics. I am very fascinated by what seems to be a growing trend of having middle and high school boys competing in school sponsored beauty pageants. There are even a few pics of what looks like young beauty queens dolled up.

Here is a video from one the pageants https://www.pinterest.com/pin/404268504028090791/

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2015, 09:32:35 PM »
Some nice pics there TaylorJackson but I am not a fan of Pintrest blocking my view if I don't sing up right away.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 10:17:13 PM »
In all the schools I have gone to over the years I don't remember any holding a Womanless Pagent. Too bad as I would have been right there to volunteer. I do remember a few times when boys dressed as girls for Halloween in the 60's and 70's myself included and more so in the 80's. but I never got any good photo's.
I remember in the early 60's a small burger joint near us was giving away coupons for Hamburgers so my sister and I went to collect. Then we went home and I changed into her tights and short dress and she changed into last years costume and we went back for more. We got our coupons and said thank you and the lady told me I made a cute girl. I was surprised as I had my mothers wig on and thought I looked pretty  good as a girl. Under the bit of makeup I was wearing I was bright red but we got two burgers that night and they were always very good. I think I was about 11 or 12 at the time and it was the first time I had been out in public in girls clothes and it excited me.

Offline barbrainwny

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 06:41:34 PM »
These pictures were lifted from Femulate.

Offline Betty

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 11:05:51 PM »
I have script blocking to block pinterest blocking. I don't remember which scripts blocks it without blocking the site, because I had to block a lot of scripts. Yep, pinterest steals pix, sometimes even hotlinking, stealing the sites bandwidth too. Then to make it worse, they hit sites with a fake browser that looks like a legitimate user, so sites that prevent hotlinking still get their bandwidth stolen through the pinterest bot's browser. Pinterest makes millions of dollars per month, they shouldn't need to steal bandwidth off any sites, esp. poor or independent ones on a budget where used bandwidth jacks up the cost of servers & maintaining the site.

I have nothing against sharing or displaying hard to find stuff, but a multi-million dollar corporation shouldn't be hotlinking or using sneaky tricks with browsers built into their servers to deliver the images or videos right off the originating site's servers & bandwidth at the originator's expense.

I've caught them doing it to us too. I can block their isp, but then they just get in on another ISP, use a proxy, or get through using their members ISP - even stealing their member's internet connection bandwidth. Very nasty stuff & sneaky policies.

My trick against them these days is I watch for images & files getting an unusually amount of hits & downloads, then rename the file so their link is broken, but still works at Betty's fine. That's also the reason we change our address & URL once or twice a year, it breaks all the links to galleries, images & stories, where they're carrying only a link of the material, or feeding it through a browser on their servers, where our server were actually delivering the content to them.

It's especially annoying where they don't even refer to the original source of the material & give the site they're stealing it & bandwidth from credit, or provide a correct link to them.

Like, some will say the material they took from here is from buffalobetties.com, but buffalobetties.com is a domain name, not a web address unless it's preceded by http:// like in http://buffalobetties.com but because that isn't the full URL of this place, even that address won't get you here.

Offline Betty

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2015, 11:26:25 PM »
Use adblock, & also block/deny all scripts & images from pinimg.com to remove the pinterest block covering half or more than half the screen.

Except for images of herself, images from Femulate are not original. They came from somewhere else too. It's odd that she'd attach her blog address to them, where all that was done was ad corny captions to them. It would be one thing if she spent a lot of time extensively enhancing or modified them & get credit for it, but to attach the site's name to them just for simply adding text to them is just weird.


Offline Betty

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2015, 11:31:28 PM »
Oops. The pinterest photos were posted by Stan Jones, who is Stana, the owner of the Femulate blog. So they weren't lifted from her, but rather reposted by her.

Offline Starla

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Re: Womanless Mother Lode
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2015, 10:00:11 AM »
Just to clarify, I happen to be the owner of that Pinterest board. Stana (of Femulate) and I happen to share the same male name (Stan) and similar femme names (Stana/Starla), but we are not the same person. I have gathered most of the images on that board on my own, and I recently wrote an article about womanless pageants for Femulate, and for which I sent Stana a selection of images, some of which she used to illustrate the article, so between that and the name similarity, I can understand the confusion.


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