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Author Topic: Famous sissy of Minneapolis  (Read 9455 times)

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Online andyg0404

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Famous sissy of Minneapolis
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:52:53 PM »

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Famous sissy of Minneapolis
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 12:04:30 AM »
Thank you Andy G. for your wonderful posts here you make some great finds for us to enjoy. As I have said in the past I do enjoy your gallery visits and the great pics you post each week. Some of the pics take me back to my childhood dressing in my sisters things although I got caught the few times I did it when dad was home. Mom just let us play house and dress up as I only had my sister and her two girlfriends to play with. There were no other boys in our area at the time. We had also started a new school after leaving my grandmothers house where we had lived since my birth. I was so used to my three aunts fussing over me and curling my longish blond hair so dressing in my sisters clothes just kind of followed. Dad had tried to get me to play with the boys from school but it was in a different neighborhood too far from our rented council house so staying to play after school was not an option and mom would walk us there and back so I could not stay if I wanted to. Andy I don't recall you ever mentioning childhood memories, do you have any like that? :-[

Online andyg0404

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Re: Famous sissy of Minneapolis
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2015, 07:47:15 PM »
Hi Angela,

Nice to see you posting again and I'm glad you enjoy my visits and tales of great art. I have a friend who is 92 years old and lives in Arizona and every week I send him the same information I post here, along with all the other personal events in my life that he enjoys hearing about. He says he loves my gallery visits and only wishes he could do the same. We have an interesting relationship, I've know him for close to 40 years and for the first 20 he was my employer and we had a good relationship. When he sold the Company we became friends and have remained so all these years.

I've never dressed up so I have no stories to relate from childhood or later in life either. When my mother passed away, I was 19 years old and I tried on a few of her dresses but that was it. I get my pleasure from the pictures and I mostly enjoy the kids dressing up because that's when I would have wanted to if given the opportunity.

Have a good night.

Andy G.

Offline Angela M...

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Re: Famous sissy of Minneapolis
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2015, 12:07:20 AM »
Hey Andy G,
our former General Manager worked for the same company for 40 years and the last 20 as my boss. He was terminated a year before I retired as he would not take hints to retire by the CEO. He has become my new buddy sending emails and inviting me for coffee on numerous occasions. Funny thing was we were enemies for many years as he would try to tell me how to do my job with often poor results creating re-work for my crew and missed deadlines. Then he would bitch about that so I would often ignore him. He has very few friends now to play golf with or meet for coffee so I seem to be the go to guy. I do feel bad for him in a way but I warned him several times in the past about the outcome of his attitude and of course now he can see what I was talking about. We did have some trips to trade shows etc. where he treated me well at the companies expense of course. Your friend must wish he was close by to go with you on your outings as I do. I don't get a chance to visit many galleries in the Toronto,Niagara,Buffalo area and have only visited our National Gallery in Ottawa once a few years ago. I did visit a wonderful gallery in Honolulu a few years ago and another exhibit at the Bellagio Casino in Vegas that was very good.
 I have been dressing up since I was very young having a sister to borrow clothes from until my early teens when I sprouted up a bit taller than her but still being slim I could fit into many of her things like bikini's, panties and bras and I kind of liked the way her dresses and skirts were really short on me then. I really loved her baby dolls to sleep in but almost got caught a few times when mom came in to wake me after I overslept. I would often wear plastic baby panties to prevent stains in her clothes. They are fond memories I still can retrieve and hope that never leaves me for a long while yet.   


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