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Author Topic: Despite the Spring like weather I guess it's now time for the Winter Flickr  (Read 24299 times)

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Offline Angela M...

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Yes Andy winter Flikr is right, we just had a small blizzard blow in and it has been cool all day. Luckily the snow stopped after about 10 minutes and the sun is out again. Crazy Spring weather for sure. Now an hour later there is nothing to indicate we even had a blizzard.

Offline samantha1

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hi every one
i am coming up to 63 in June,and have been retired since i was 50.I got so bored that i decided to help in my friends supermarket.I do not get paid since i do not want payment as i was getting bored at home.I  also help looking after their dad who had a stroke and now i am enjoying myself more than staying  at home.I live only 10 mins walk from the shop and work what ever hours are needed.I  will hopefully stay there well into my 70.I  own my own  house and their contacts did all the work in the house free,which is better than getting paid for working.

Offline Angela M...

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Hey samantha 1, I retired at 62 after 42 years in the same company. I have often wondered if I should get a part time job although I am not bored by any means I just think a bit of extra income would come in handy and if I could make arrangements like yours all the better as my house is in need of some repairs. I never thought about when I was older and unable to tackle some of the jobs I have done all my life and now it frustrates me to pay somebody to do jobs I could do myself at one time. I have a wonderful garden and love flowers so I was going to see if the local Florist could use somebody for the spring & summer. I have no formal training but have been doing arrangements all my life for family and friends. I would have loved to retire at 50 though, how did you manage that?

Offline samantha1

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hi Angela
I was lucky because i got to know the father first then started to help in the family run super market ,I offered my help free and now get treated as part of the family.I  WAS THEN RETIRED medically with depression,and stayed at home until the day i walked into their supermarket and the rest was history.

They have a good friend/relative who is a builder ,and they(the owners of supermarket}arranged to get the work done free for me ,however some work will be paid for,but at a cheaper rate called cost,{no profit for them).

Offline Angela M...

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Work at cost would be nice for sure. I do know two former co-workers who have gone into the home reno business and plumbing and perhaps if I call them we can make a deal for some work. They were good friends at work a few years ago and I sometimes meet them at the lumber/ hardware stores. It sounds like you have the perfect work environment after retirement. Something to keep you busy with perks on the side.


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