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Author Topic: Sissy in Colorado  (Read 9865 times)

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Online andyg0404

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Sissy in Colorado
« on: October 03, 2013, 06:13:06 PM »

Offline sissybaby34

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Re: Sissy in Colorado
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2013, 06:49:38 PM »
I wish i was that brave. Thanks Andy excellent find.

Offline Robyn Jodie

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Re: Sissy in Colorado
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 10:38:29 AM »
I think there was a post about this guy way back just shortly after this board started.  Glad to see he's still around.

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Re: Sissy in Colorado
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 11:13:36 AM »
I own an industrial size wrench. It weighs around 30lbs.

Why does it take 5 guys to beat up a sissy? Were they afraid that in a one on one fight they'd get their ass kicked by a sissy? Jerks are so brave when they have a group of friends or a gang to back them up.

I have absolutely no desire to go out in the public dressed up or let strangers see me in-person that way. I have no reason to let neighbors, friends, or relatives know my fantasies, sexual or fashion desires, or fetishes. It's not a matter of bravery, it's just none of their business.

This is more than just about a sissy crossdressing. This is more like exhibitionism... the same disorder flashers have who want to go out & expose themselves to strangers. It's the desire to cause a reaction in public or to strangers, to something strange, unusual, or sexual because it excites them. In the pictures he doesn't even try to look like a woman or look good at it. He has to know he looks ridiculous that way & has plenty of time to dress up at home because his wife allows it, & is even allowed to do it at work.

It's not the desire to dress up or be a sissy that turns him on, it's being seen by the public that way as much as possible that turns him on. It's just like the guy who insisted on going out everywhere in exposed diapers. He's not just a crossdresser, It's pure exhibitionism... which is a mental disorder. They get their thrills by freaking out others, or by being humiliated in public. Some even like to get beat up that way... a very dangerous & disturbing habit that they should seek therapy for.

We even see this theme in our story pages too. Being humiliated in a frilly dress and/or diapers seems more exciting when they're being forced to be observed that way by more people or out in the public.

We all love our fantasies, role games, etc... they can be a lot of fun. But it's not a good idea if everybody acted out & lived every fantasy they ever had... esp. in public. Fantasies are fiction. They are not real, & many of them should never be made real. That's what separates us sane adults, from crazy people & criminals.

This isn't about another poor transgendered person trapped in the wrong body, or a transvestite who longs to be dressed pretty. He doesn't even try to grow his hair long, or try to look like a girl. This is about a guy who really wants to get noticed wearing frillies in public to much, & who likes to deliberately freak out people lot.

Any normal sane transgendered or transvestite would at least try to look good at it in public, or try to look more like a girl. No long hair, no wig, no makeup... not transgendered.

Offline Robyn Jodie

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Re: Sissy in Colorado
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2013, 11:46:14 AM »
There are groups on the internet that support the "de-genderization" of clothing and I tend to agree with them.  I am of the opinion that "gender equality" means that a male in a dress should, ultimately, excite no more attention than a female in bluejeans.  And some avant garde fashion designers have come out with men's dresses in the last few years.  In a de-genderized world, a male in a dress would not be trying to "pass," or even "cross-dress," any more than a woman in a T-shirt and bluejeans is trying to "pass" as male.  In fact he would probably be wearing a guy's dress -- one specifically tailored for a male body.

In this case, however, I'm with Betty:  I believe that rather than a "Man Heroically Trying to Strike a Blow for Gender Equality," this guy is just a nut-case.

Online andyg0404

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Re: Sissy in Colorado
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2013, 06:08:26 PM »

Here's a picture of him from a while ago.

Sissy Goodwin


Andy G.

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Re: Sissy in Colorado
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2013, 09:02:25 AM »
I'm not sure he is a nutcase but I concur with Betty's assessment. I suspect his fantasies contained the element of exposure and ridicule and eventually these became the dominant part and he simply gave into them.  I would speculate that his family are not too enamoured about their husband and father behaving this way but have little choice to accept and support him, at least publicly, or disown him outright. Most of us can distinguish between reality and fantasy and keep the two apart, this gentleman obviously can't. In all fetish driven stories there usually has to be an element of disclosure otherwise there would be little point to them. Males forcibly dressed as little girls or infants are the most common fantasies in our sphere. We are dressed as babies, taken out in prams, serve as maids, wait on at tables and are generally mocked, laughed at and fussed over by females. I myself have such fantasies but the reality, as Betty touched on, would be somewhat different. I would be mortified to be paraded around a shopping area dressed in my fantasy wear. Females would not find it amusing or cute and would give me a very wide berth.  My workplace would become intolerable and life would be pretty miserable. No. For me this story re-enforces the need to yes, take pleasure from and enjoy sites such as this one where you imagination can roam, but to also be very aware that the real world is the one we have to exist in.


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